Wydawnictwa zagraniczne:

Abrahams, Fred
A village destroyed, May 14, 1999 : War Crimes in Kosovo / Fred Abrahams and Eric Stover. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2002. - ISBN:0-520-23302
Across the Anatolian Plateau : readings in the archaeology of Ancient Turkey / ed. D. Hopkins. - Boston : American School of Oriental Research, 2002. - ISBN:0-89757-053-7
Âroš, M. P.
Pâsnâr rodnaj zâmli : žyccë i tvorčasc' Ânki Kupaly. - Wyd. 2. - Minsk : Belaruskaâ navuka, 2003. - ISBN:985-08-0577-3
Atheismus im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance / hrsg.Friedrich Niewöhner und Olaf Pluta. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1999. - (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien ; Bd.12). - ISBN:3-447-04229-X
Avramovič, Zoran
Politika i književnost u delu Miloša Crnjanskog. - Beograd, 1994. - (Biblioteka Lazulit ; 4)
Barock im Vatikan : Kunst und Kultur im Rom der Päpste II, 1572-1676. - Leipzig : Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2005. - ISBN:13-978-3-86502-125-0
Belaruskěâ prykazkě, prymajkě, frazealagězmy / sklaj F. Ânkojskě. - Měnsk : Belaruskaâ navuka, 2004. - ISBN:985-08-0601-X
Berend, Ivan T.
History Derailed : Central and Eastern Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century / Ivan T. Berend. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2003. - ISBN:0-520-24525-3
Bohan, Ű.
Zbroâ Vâlěkaga knâstva Lětojskaga 1385-1576. - Měnsk : Belarus', 2003. - ISBN:985-01-0469-4
Bohm-Duchen, Monika
The private life of a masterpiece / Monika Bohm-Duchen. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2001. - ISBN:0-520-23378-6
Caldwell, Melissa L.
Not by Bread Alone : Social Support in the New Russia / Melissa L. Caldwell. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2004. - ISBN:0-520-23875-3
The continuum encyclopedia of young adult literature / ed. by Bernice E. Cullinam, Bonnie L. Kunzel, Deborah A. Wooten. - New York : Continuum, 2005. - ISBN:0-8264-1710-8
Cregan, Kate
The sociology of the body : mapping the abstraction of embodiment. - London : Sage Publications, 2006. - ISBN:0-7619-4024-3
Ćorović, Vladimir
Istorija Srba. - Wyd. 8. - Niš : Zograf, 2005. - ISBN:86-7578-127-X
Deutsch-russische Beziehungen im 18.Jahrhundert : Kultur, Wissenschaft uns Diplomatie / hrsg.Conrad Grau, Sergueď Karp, Jürgen Voss. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1997. - (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen / hrsgg. Herzog August Bibliothek ; 74). - ISBN:3-447-03929-9
Dokumenty po istorii cerkvej i veroispovedanij v Altajskom krae (17-načalo 20 vv.). - Barnaul : Upravlenie arhivnogo dela administracii Altajskogo kraâ, 1997. - ISBN:5-87912-069-4
Donovan, Stephen
Joseph Conrad and popular culture. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2005. - ISBN:1-4039-0810-9
Encyclopedia of human development / ed. by Neil J. Salkind. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2006. - ISBN:1-4129-0475-7
Field Marshal Lord Alan Brooke : War Diaries 1939-1945 / Alex Danchau, Daniel Todman. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2001. - ISBN:0-520-2390-4
The firm as a collaborative community : reconstructing trust in the knowledge economy / ed. by Charles Heckscher and Paul S. Adler. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. - ISBN:0-19-928603-5
Franzen, Wolfgang
Osteuropa zwischen Euphorie, Enttäuschung und Realität : Daten zur Systemtransformation 1990-2003 / Wolfgang Franzen, Hans Peter Haarland, Hans-Joachim Niessen. - Frankfurt/Main : Campus Verlag, 2006. - ISBN:3-593-37700-4
Globalization, competition and growth in China / ed. by Jian Chen and Shujie Yao. - London : Routledge, 2006. - ISBN:0-415-35197-9
Greven, David
Men beyond desire : manhood, sex, and violation in American literature. - New York : Palgrave, 2005. - ISBN:1-4039-6911-6
Gruber, Ruth Ellen
Virtually Jewish : Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe / Ruth Elen Gruber. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2002. - ISBN:0-520-21363-7
Hand, Richard J.
The theatre of Joseph Conrad : reconstructed fictions. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2005. - ISBN:1-4039-1899-6
Handbook of information security / ed. by Hossein Bidgoli. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. - ISBN:0-471-22201-1
Handbook of material culture / ed. by Christopher Tilley [et al.]. - London : Sage Publications, 2006. - ISBN:1-4129-0039-5
The handbook of public affairs / ed. by Phil Harris and Craig S. Fleisher. - London : Sage Publications, 2005. - ISBN:0-7619-4396-5
Inglot, Joanna
The Figurative Sculpture of Magdalena Abakanowicz : Bodies, Environments, and Myths / Joanna Inglot. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2004. - ISBN:0-520-23125-2
The Iraq war / ed. by Jan Hallenberg and Hĺkan Karlsson. - London : Routledge, 2005. - ISBN:0-415-36293-8
Lübbe, Hermann
Die Zivilisationsökumene : Globalisierung kulturell, technisch und politisch / Hermann Lübbe. - München : Fink, 2005. - ISBN:3-7705-4204-5
Magness, J.
The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine / J. Magness. - Winona Lake : Eisenbrauns, 2003. - ISBN:1575060701
Marfleet, Philip
Refugees in a global era. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2006. - ISBN:0-333-77784-0
Marjanović, Petar
Srpski dramski pisci 20 stoleća / Petar Marjanović. - Novi Sad : Matica Srpska, 1997
Maroz, Uladzěměr
Minsk staradajni i malady / mastak Valeryj Miščanka. - Minsk : Mižnarodny centr kul'tury knigi, 2002. - (Ěsnasc' Belarusě). - ISBN:985-6168-27-9
Matthews, Roger
The Archaeology of Mesopotamia : theories and approches / Roger Matthews. - London : Routledge, 2003. - ISBN:0-415-25317-9
Medenica, Dragiša
Desanka Maksimović u zavičaju / Dragiša Medenica. - Beograd : Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 2005. - ISBN:86-82377-21-7
Meinhof, Ulrike Hanna
The language of belonging / Ulrike Hanna Meinhof and Dariusz Galasiński. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2005. - ISBN:104039-0787-0
Mieroop, M.V.
A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000-323 BC / M. V. Mieroop. - Malden : Blackwell Publishing, 2004. - ISBN:0-631-2252-8
Pols'kaâ muza i russkie počty / red. Lesnevskij, Stanislav. - Moskva : Progress-Pleâda, 2004. - ISBN:5-93006-041-X
Orehov, A. M.
Sovetskij Souz i Pol'ša v gody "ottepeli" : iż istorii sovetsko-pol'skih otnošenij / A. M. Orehov. - Moskva : Izdatel'stvo "Indrik", 2005. - ISBN:5-85759-336-0
"Patria" und "Patrioten" vor dem Patriotismus : Pflichten, Rechte, Glauben und die Rekonfigurierung europäischer Gemeinwesen im 17.Jahrhundert / hrsg.Robert von Friedeburg. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2005. - (Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung ; 41). - ISBN:3-447-05262-7
Pol'skie voennoplennye v RSFSR, BSSR i USSR (1919-1922 gody) : dokumenty i materialy / podgod. I. I. Kostűško. - Moskva : Institut slavânovedeniâ RAN, 2004. - ISBN:5-7576-0148-5
Privatni život u srpskim zemlama sredneg veka / priredile Smila Marjanović. - Beograd : Clio , 2004. - ISBN:86-7102-142-4
Six, Frédérique
The trouble with trust : the dynamics of interpersonal trust building. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2005. - ISBN:1-84542-290-2
Teter, Magda
Jews and heretics in catholic Poland : a beleaguered church in the post-reformation era. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. - ISBN:0-521-85673-6
Toponimičeskaâ enciklopediâ Sankt-Peterburga : 10 000 gorodskih imen / pod red. A. G. Vladimiroviča. - Wyd. 2, ispr. i dop.. - Sankt-Peterburg : Informacionno-izdatel'skoe agentstvo "LIK", 2002. - (Tri veka Severnoj Pal'miry). - ISBN:5-86038-115-8
Germany's uncertain power : foreign policy of the Berlin Republic / ed. by Hanns W. Maull. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2006. - ISBN:1-4039-4662-0
Voronež: vstreča s prošlym i nastoâsim : istoriko-arhitekturnyj illustrirovannyj spravočnik-putevoditel' po kul'turno-istoričeskim pamâtnikam / red. Irina Šišova. - Voronež : Voronežskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2005. - ISBN:5-9273-0880-5
Wages, employment, distribution and growth : international perspectives / ed. by Eckhard Hein, Arne Heise and Achim Truger. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2006. - ISBN:1-4039-4962-X
Weinreich, Uriel
Modern English-Yiddish, Yiddish-English dictionary. - New York : Schocken Books, 1977. - ISBN:0-8052-0575-6
Wilcox, Paula
Surviving domestic violence : gender, poverty and agency. - Houndmills : Palgrave, 2006. - ISBN:1-4039-4113-0